Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Call of Jeremiah (6)

(click on image to enlarge) 
This is a recently completed illustration for a single lesson (10 illustrations) on The Call of Jeremiah.  The central theme of the lesson is "God has a plan for your life".  At Kilchzimmer we have a series of single lessons that come with B/W drawings for making overhead transparencies.  Several of these lessons are now being updated and printed as full-colour flashcard lessons (24x34cm).

For this illustration, I used darker values than usual as I wanted to create more drama and draw attention to his mouth.  The initial idea was to have the background completely dark but, for the children, I added the wall to show Jeremiah in a physical location.  The light hitting the stones on the right may need toning down or reduce detail in the cracks, as it competes a bit for attention away from his face (mouth).  This is the scene where God touched Jeremiah's mouth and gave him the strength he needed to speak to the people.

Thanks to Felix D. for patiently posing for 30 photos, giving me enough references to use elements from several to create this final painting.

The illustration was drawn in 
Adobe Photoshop CS4 and digitally painted in Corel Painter X and ArtRage Studio.

Copyright ©2011, CEF Europe.  Do not use pictures without permission. Thank you.