Friday, January 25, 2008

"Parables" lesson – adding colour

Sometimes I'm asked to add colour to existing B/W line artwork as will be the case with this lesson on the Parables. This artwork was drawn by a woman in Italy and made available to CEF. I scanned in the line drawings, separated the black lines from the white background and used Adobe Photoshop to add colour, surface texture, etc.. Depending on the complexity of the image and other requests that come past my desk, I can complete 1 to 4 pictures per day.

Note: previously completed Bible illustrations.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Meet the Author" – flashcard series

This page explains how we have a body and can only be one place at one time. The person of the Holy Spirit was sent to be present all over the world at the same time....

"Meet the Author" – flashcard series

The Bible, God's Word, tells us that there is only one true and living God. (Is.44:6b). He is the One who made the Universe. He made the millions of worlds that look like tiny lights up in the night sky ....