Friday, June 28, 2013

Judges lesson series (2-6)

©2013, CEF – Do not use without permission.
(click on image to enlarge)

Picture from lesson #2 on Deborah and Barak delivering Israel.

Excerpts from lesson:
"After the great victory Deborah received praise throughout Israel... 
Deborah was a good example to her people and God used her to deliver them!" 
... "That day Deborah, Barak and the people of Israel sang praises to God.  For 40 years there was peace in the land of Israel because Deborah was a good example for Him."

Print size: 24x34cm.  Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS6, Wacom Cintiq 18SX

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Judges lesson series (2-5)

©2013, CEF – Do not use without permission.
(click on image to enlarge)

Picture from lesson #2 on Deborah and Barak delivering Israel.
A heavy storm hits, causing the chariots to get stuck in mud.  General Sisera and his remaining army attempt to flee while being pursued by the Israelite army.

Print size: 24x34cm.  Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS6, Wacom Cintiq 18SX