Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Create an Armenian prison at home

(click on image to enlarge)
In the Multimedia department we occasionally get requests for promotional presentations in PowerPoint®.  These presentations are used to share with Christians about CEF projects, ministries and needs within CEF.  These presentations help in the evangelism of children by challenging and informing Christians to pray, financial support is raised for workers and projects, and Believers are encouraged to take an active role in the ministry.

One of the challenges of a presentation is having effective images to go with the written text.  This past week we had a tight deadline to find visuals for several literature projects and testimonies.  We had a few gaps.

We were missing a visual to accompany a testimony of how the CEF Wonder Devotional Book was being distributed to all the inmates at an Armenian women's prison.  There seems to be a shortage of Armenian women's prisons near Kilchzimmer so I quickly set up one ... in our apartment living room!

The one item we did have was an Armenian WDB!  Next step, ask my wife if I could photograph her with messed up hair and harsh, unflattering light.  She was a willing model.  Oops.... I forgot to mention to her that the image might show up on our blog for friends and family to see.  As for the prison cell I had to suggest it with the use of cast shadows.  A bed sheet was draped behind Sue.  I shot the flash through paper strips to cast "bar" shadows on her, which was semi-successful, so I ended up going with option two of creating the prison bar shadows inside Photoshop.

The second photo above was also taken for the presentation.  I bounced flash #1 (hidden behind laptop) off of a white paper on the laptop screen.  Flash #2 filled in behind the boy, making it easy to mask him from the background.  Flash #3 on low power, was at the end of the table to light up the back of the laptop.  The "apple" logo was removed in Photoshop. ;-)
You might recognize the boy from previous projects like the Meet the Author visuals or the cover of the Polish "Wonder Why" booklet.

That's a glimpse into what goes into quickly creating an image for a presentation.  These presentations can be an effective communication tool.

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