Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Judges lesson series (4-4)

©2013, CEF – Do not use without permission.
(click on image to enlarge)

Gideon and his servant sneak into the Midianite camp and overhear two soldiers discussing a dream involving a round barley loaf tumbling into camp.

 I finished by inserting a fire ... then removing it, then decided to just show a few sparks and glow at the feet. With 2-3 days for each illustration, it doesn't leave much time to tweak or refine the illustration.  (I just noticed the spear shaft needs to be much thicker).
When working with certain colors in RGB mode (especially saturated oranges, purples, reds, etc.) it becomes very important to do a "soft proof" in Photoshop to see if colors become muted or muddy when printed in CMYK.

Print size: 24x34cm.  Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS6, Wacom Cintiq 18SX

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